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New leadership and fresh ideas to deliver results for our city
Cesar Zepeda Richmond City Council, Next Generation of Leaders, Latino Leaders

When elected, my commitment to you as your city councilmember will be to place all my effort in making our communities in Richmond affordable, desirable, healthy, and vibrant places to live. We will invest in our communities, families, and children.



Affordable Housing

I will work to expand new resources for affordable housing and encourage developers to create and maintain affordable housing, especially housing at all levels of income. By increasing our housing stock at all levels of the market, we can make Richmond an inclusive and diverse community that is welcoming to everyone.

Tackling the Deficit

With a huge budget deficit, our community is losing funding for critical city services. I will prioritize closing the deficit without increasing taxes because working people get hurt when taxes go up. Instead, I will work to improve the efficiency of the city’s operations through innovative ideas to cut costs.



I will be a strong advocate for connecting Richmond not only within its own communities, but to other cities in the Bay Area. This starts with getting the Richmond-San Francisco Ferry running as soon as possible, expanding public transportation networks within our city, and prioritizing transit-oriented development.



Our education system should give our children a well-rounded education. I will collaborate with the school board, administrators, and teachers to bring extracurricular activities, afterschool programs, and other resources to engage our children and give them that well-rounded education, thereby raising graduation and college entry rates.

Public Safety

Our police, fire, and health care professionals provide essential services that serve and protect our communities and businesses in Richmond. I will start a close dialogue between our community leaders and public safety professionals to support collaborative, effective, and efficient strategies that improve the safety of our neighborhoods and business districts.



Parks and Open Space

Parks are a crucial part of our community and something that all citizens and families enjoy. I will push to adequately maintain our parks and open space and create new recreation areas, especially for Richmond neighborhoods that currently do not have such access.

Clean and Renewable Energy

I will push Richmond to expand and create more clean energy options, especially electricity generated from renewable sources, as well as charging stations for electric vehicles. 

Public Health

I will lead in implementing an ambitious Climate Action Plan for Richmond so that we can mitigate our impact on climate change. With strong emission reduction goals, we can create healthier communities by cleaning the air and lowering the rates of respiratory illnesses. 


Promoting Richmond

I will focus on promoting Richmond to turn the phrase “Made in Richmond” into a point of pride for our communities and businesses again. By setting up a marketing team within City Hall, we can promote our city and streamline the process for investments to help new businesses get up and running.

Growing Local Businesses and Jobs

In promoting Richmond, I will collaborate with businesses to give back to our communities by hiring locally, providing jobs with a prevailing wage, and spurring local economic development.

Turning Neighborhoods into Villages

To create walkable neighborhoods, we have to make sure that every area has a town square that adequately provides the basic necessities, such as a grocery store, gas station, restaurants, and cafes.

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